beyond being special: are women any equal themselves?
As we are mark women's day it is worthwhile reflecting on what we have done to bring about the envisaged equality if at all we are any equal. For over two decades, we have had women special seats. HAS THIS PROVISION BROUGHT ANY CHANGES OR AT LEAST CHANCES FOR CHANGE IN THE LIVES OF THE MARGINALISED WOMEN IN OUR VILLAGES AND TOWN SQUATTERS? My take is, it has not, to the greatest of extent.
Many women picked for representation on special seats basis are already privileged in so many ways. They could actually stand firmly and contest in constituencies and win.Even more importantly, such 'town/privileged women' do not share the pinch of hardships those truly marginalised women face. They have never sold vitumbua and been molested by militia of the city/town/municipal/district councils; they do not know how it feels to go without water or rather to walk half day's distance in search for firewood and water for the family. Many a women filling up political posts in the name of increasing women representation in decision making, are as 'previleged' as much as their male counterpart in most cases.
If special seats are to be meaningfully special it needs that those poor marginalised rural and street women,poor widows are to be taken aboard! otherwise, down with special women which adds insult to the injury of undermined mothers of ours.
You must have raised a motion that will neither be conceived nor appreciated by the ones who are enjoying the special seats. However, the truth must be laid down.Politics is for personal gains and there they are doing it.
Thanks for your insightful comment.
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